Tuesday 6 August 2019

Balanced Diet: What is it and how to achieve it?

A balanced diet is one that gives the body all the nutrients necessary to make it function at an optimum level. The main components of a balanced diet are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, fibers, minerals, vitamins and water.

Each of the food components mentioned above belongs to one of the following food groups:

· Cereals and pulses
· Fruits and vegetables
· Fats and oils
· Meats and dairy products

Components of balanced diets

Carbohydrates- 70-80% of calories in India are obtained from millets, pulses and other plant foods such as pulses. However, we often tend to overemphasize on refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, breads, wheat flour and white rice. We need to look at healthier sources like whole grains.Items such as bananas and cereals need to be included in breakfasts. Lactose is present in milk.

Fats- They are important for storing vitamins, obtaining energy and synthesizing hormones. 20% of the diet should include fats, which are monosaturated, polyunsaturated and omega-3 fatty acids. Look to use unrefined (Kachi Ghani) oil for cooking, and you may also try to use different oils.

Proteins- They are considered as “building blocks” for the human body, and should be 30-35% of the diet. Proteins are the major components of skin, hair and tissues. Milk, leafy vegetables, white meat, sprouts and pulses are some of its major sources.

Minerals and vitamins- Bone maintenance, cell production, muscle and nerve functions are carried out by them. Calcium and Iron are two minerals which need to be present adequately in the diet, as their deficiencies are common in India. 

Water- 70% of the human body is constituted by water. You need to drink at least 2-3 liters of water on a daily basis to ensure proper body functions.

While three meals may be suitable for some individuals, other may find it more convenient to have several meals during the day. To get the best diet, ensure that you eat from the best tiffin service in Mumbai as per your requirement.